Colin’s Cosmetic Consultancy Retainer Programme
What it is -
It’s basically like having your own lab team. If you want technical advice, a sample made or help working out what you need to do to comply with the regulations you can just ask us.
How it works -
We agree on how many hours of cover you want per month. Our typical package starts at 12 hours per month but can be as low as 1 hour and as high as we have hours left available. We will then carry out whatever activities you need us to do in that calendar month up to the amount you have paid for. If you need more, these can be purchased if they are available.
We work on a calendar month basis, and hours not used in a given month can be carried over to the next month only. (We can’t carry them over indefinitely, for obvious reasons.)
The arrangement can be cancelled with a full calendar month’s notice. I.e., if you cancel in May, the cover and payment lapses at the end of June.
How expenses are covered -
By default, we will deduct any out-of-pocket expenses up to £100 run up during activities from the time covered. If you’d prefer to keep the time we can cross-charge the expenses instead.
What it covers -
Literally, anything we do such as -
- SCPN/CPNP Registrations
- Safety Assessments
- Product Development
- Sourcing
- Quality Assurance
- Regulatory advice
- Stability Assessments
- Report writing
- Pack copy checking
- Challenge testing
- Bulk Manufacture
The only exception is Responsible Person cover.
How Many Hours -
We haven’t got any rules on how many hours you can book. We think 12 hours per month is likely to be the most popular, but we can go down to one hour per month.
We are limited by the hours we have available in the programme, so sorry if we don’t have as much time as you’d like. Contact for availability. The hourly rate is £85 plus VAT.